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Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School

Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School"Jesus the Good Shepherd said, ‘’I have come to give life – life in all its fullness.’’ John 10:10 "


Wrap-around-care Q&A Presentation 15.05.24 - please click here to access the Powerpoint Presentation 

Wrap-around-care Q&A Presentation 15.05.24 - please click here to access the PDF Word version of the presentation 

Queen Eleanor’s offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs which are enjoyed by a great many of the pupils.  We try to ensure that they run before, during and after school and at a reasonable cost so that all children have the opportunity to benefit from them.  A full list for the term is given below.

Extra curricular clubs available at Queen Eleanor's:

Please find below a link to the new autumn and spring term timetable:

Club timetable autumn term 2023

Club timetable spring term 2024

To apply for a place in a club, please log on to to see what clubs are available for your child.

Open to all: 

Clubs are open to all children, girls and boys, in all year groups, unless stated otherwise in the details.

Bookings, consent and notifying absence: 

All clubs require booking and consent via Parentpay. Once a booking has been made a child has made a commitment to attend the club for either half a term or a term (depending on the club).  It is very important that the school knows if a child will not be attending a club for some reason and we ask that a parent (not the child) contacts the office to let them know.  It is important that children remain committed to a club even if it is free of charge.  These clubs are run by volunteers who are giving their time to the children and it is only right that the children respect this by attending regularly.

Most clubs can be joined part way through a term if there are available spaces.  To do this, first check availability with the office and consent on Parentpay.


As always, we expect the highest standard of behaviour from children attending clubs.  If a child is behaving inappropriately and spoiling things for other participants, their parents will be contacted.  If the behaviour continues the child will be asked to leave the club.

Lunchtime clubs

When a club runs during a lunchtime it may be necessary for a child to go into lunch early.  If this is the case they simply go to the hall and tell the midday supervisor on duty that they have a lunchtime club.
Occasionally clubs run at the beginning of the lunchtime.  In this case the child needs to go to the office and sign up for a late lunch, before they go to the club.  A lunch will then be kept for them.

Cancellation of clubs: 

If we have to cancel a club before 3.15pm we will send out a ParentPay communication informing you of the cancellation and asking that you telephone or email the school office to provide us with alternative end of day arrangements.

After School Swimming - Pool open this Autumn term 2023

When?: After school swimming runs from Sep to Autumn half-term. It resumes towards the beginning of the Summer term and runs until the end of term. Each year group is allocated a day of the week. Children get changed as soon as school finishes, and will be out of the pool, changed and ready to go home at 4:15pm. Children should be picked up from reception.

Permission slips, Notifying Absence and Cost: Children can only attend if they have signed up on Parentpay and it is imperative that the office is notified if a child will not be attending after-school swimming for whatever reason. The cost of after school swimming is covered by the annual voluntary contribution for swimming paid by parents at the beginning of each school year. However if parents decided not to make that contribution then their child is not eligible for after school swimming.

Weather: After school swimming continues in most weather conditions although occasionally the teacher on duty will decide that the weather really isn’t suitable (for example when it is unduly cold or in a thunderstorm).  Normal cancellation procedures will apply if the club is cancelled prior to 3.15pm.   If the club is stopped mid-session, the children will be supervised until 4pm by the teacher in charge.

Year Group:

Year 3 – Thursdays

Year 4 – Fridays

Years 5 – Tuesdays

Years 6 – Mondays

Goggles:  Children can wear swimming goggles in the pool.  Goggles must fit correctly and any adjustments must be made at home prior to them coming into school as the PE Coach will not have time to do this during swimming sessions.  All goggles must be named (I suggest using a permanent marker on the side of the goggles) and it is the responsibility of the children to look after their goggles at all times.  Please note that Surrey County Council advice is that any child who wears contact lenses is unable to wear goggles at school.

Before School Club

This club was established in October 2011. It offers a service to parents who find it useful to be able to drop children off earlier than usual at school. The club is run by a non-teaching member of staff from the school.

When?: Children can be escorted into the club anytime from 7:45am. Children cannot be taken any earlier than 7:45am. The club finishes at 8:30am when the school gates open for all children.

Cost and Payment: The cost of BSC is a flat rate of £4.00 a day, regardless of how late a child arrives. Booking and payment for BSC must be made in advance via School Interviews ( and then payment made via ParentPay. A child cannot attend BSC if a payment hasn’t been made in advance.

Activities: Children will be able to take part in a variety of activities including board games, reading activities, work challenges and DVDs.

Is breakfast included?: Breakfast is not included but children are welcome to bring in their own snacks from home.

For information on how to book a place in BSC please see letter below: 

Before School Club - Spring 2023 letter

After School Care

There is an after school provision on the QE site which is privately run by Hoptune.  The organisation operates within the grounds of Queen Eleanor’s Junior School but is a completely separate organisation and is not endorsed by the school.

All enquiries regarding this provision should be made to Fiona Barnes-Green using the contact details below.

01483 570019 or 07990 581690