About Us
Welcome to Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School
I would like to welcome you to Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School where every child is valued as a unique individual. We believe all children have the right to enjoy and achieve to the best of their ability in a safe, happy, and secure environment. At Queen Eleanor's, the safeguarding of children is our highest priority.
We believe that it is important to build up close relationships with the children based on mutual understanding and respect, and visitors to the school frequently comment on the friendly, calm atmosphere created by the children and staff. We have a strong partnership with our families, and this supports and encourages each child to reach their potential. We appreciate our families' involvement in school activities and share the children's success and progress.
Queen Eleanor's is a Church of England School, and we have strong links with our local churches and Guildford Cathedral. The spiritual development of our children is extremely important to us, and we provide many opportunities, within school, for our children to develop spiritually. Our school vision is:
Jesus the Good Shepherd said, ‘’I have come to give life – life in all its fullness.’’ John 10:10
Queen Eleanor’s is a church school that serves the community:
Offers a loving, welcoming and respectful environment that celebrates children and families of all faiths and none
Provides an oasis of green space that supports physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing
Values a rich and growing diversity, enabling all children to have a voice and become global citizens
Nurtures curiosity and enables children to thrive and achieve academically
We aspire to bring life in all its fullness through our pastoral care, rich curriculum and inclusive community
We celebrate the diversity within our school and believe that every child and adult is special to God and uniquely made in his image. We strive to ensure that all members of our community understand their worth and value.
'Encourage one another and build each other up.' Thessalonians 5:11
I look forward to welcoming you to Queen Eleanor's.
Mrs Joanne Davies ~ Headteacher
Mrs Joanne Davies ~ Head Teacher (Working days: Monday-Thursday)
Mr Gary Papworth - Deputy Head Teacher (Working days: Monday-Friday)