
At Queen Eleanor’s, we understand that children grow up in a complex and ever-changing world and are exposed to an increasing range of influences. Explicit teaching of PSHE enables our children to be happy, safe, healthy, confident and responsible members of society who have a strong sense of self-worth and resilience.


The KS2 PSHE curriculum is taught explicitly through weekly lessons where we cover a number of different topics.

Health and Well-Being

Healthy lifestyles:

Balanced diet, habits, food choices, balanced lifestyle, drugs common to everyday life, hygiene, what positively and negatively affects well-being, benefits of a balanced diet, making informed choices, images in the media and reality, risks and effects of drugs

Growing and Changing:

Recognising what they are good at and setting goals, describing and managing feelings, changes at puberty, feelings associated with change, managing complex feelings, coping with transition, changes at puberty, human reproduction, roles and responsibilities of parents

Keeping Safe:

School rules on health and safety, basic emergency aid, people who help them stay safe and healthy, keeping safe online, mobile phone safety, resisting peer pressure, rights to protect their body


Feelings and Emotions:

Recognising and responding to feelings in others, knowing when to keep something confidential, managing dares

Healthy Relationships:

Positive, healthy relationships and friendships, working collaboratively, acceptable and unacceptable physical contact, solving disputes and conflicts, negotiation and compromise, actions have consequences, different types of relationships, committed and loving relationships, marriage

Valuing Difference:

Recognising and responding to bullying, listen to others, share points of view, recognise and challenge stereotypes

Living in the Wider World

Rights and responsibilities:

Discuss and debate health and well-being issues, appreciating difference and diversity, rules and laws, human rights, being part of a community


Rights, responsibilities and duties, sustainability of the environment,

Money/Financial Capability:

Enterprise, role of money, budgeting, interest, loan, debt, tax

In addition, PSHE is reinforced through:
  • Assemblies

  • Adults being role models and having high expectations of the children

  • Structured interventions

  • A wide range of first hand experiences and enrichment opportunities.

PSHE Parents Zoom meeting Queen Eleanor's Long Term Overview Plan 2021 updated