
Surrey County Council Admissions Page

Good Shepherd Trust Admissions Page  

To view our school prospectus and see information regarding open days please click here or visit our Prospective Parents' page under the Parent Information tab.


Appeals for September 2025 entry resulting from year of entry or transfer applications:  

Offer: 16th April 2025

Appeals lodged by: 20th May 2025 

Appeals to be heard by: 22nd July 2025 (40 School days)

Please note: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Appeals are not heard in school holidays, which will vary depending on the school.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing.  Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case normally a week in advance of the hearing.

Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal is received by the stated deadline, which will be clearly highlighted in the appeal hearing notification letter.  Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing. 

In year or immediate entry appeals

Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


The Local Authority co-ordinate the in-year admission process for our school. If you would like to make application for a place outside of the normal admissions round, please contact



The table below shows our determined Admissions policies and the years they relate to.

School Admission Year Admission Policy Supplementary Information Form
2023-2024 Admissions Policy 2023 Supplementary Information Form
2024-2025 Admissions Policy 2024 Supplementary Information Form
2025-2026 Admissions Policy 2025 Supplementary Information Form

The GST will admit 90 children into Year 3 in accordance with the criteria listed in the Admission Policy.

(Maps showing the ecclesiastical parish boundaries for All Saints Church and St. Nicolas Church may be viewed by request at the school office and are also on our website

Where there is over subscription in any category, places will be allocated to children living closest to the school.

Late applications can only be considered when all of the on-time applications have been ranked.

To apply for an in-year admission please contact Surrey County Council admissions at  (

A waiting list, compiled from specific requests from parents for a place, will be held for each year group for a period of one academic year. It is the responsibility of the parents to contact the school and ask for their child to be added to the school’s waiting list. It is also the parents’ responsibility to check their child’s position on the waiting list as the school cannot inform parents routinely of changes in position on the waiting list.

If vacancies arise, places will be allocated to the child placed highest in the order of categories listed above and within those criteria by shortest distance. Should parents wish to add their child to the waiting list for the following academic year (after initial application), they must complete an in-year application form (under the relevant Admission Policy) and submit this to the school. Previous years applications will not be carried over.

The GST reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a place where the parent has made a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application that effectively denied a place to another child.

Details of Surrey’s Home to School Transport team can be found  here

The following documents set out the parishes of All Saints’ and St Nicolas’, as referred in the Admissions Policy page, and in particular with reference to point 5, ‘children who live within the parishes of All Saints’ or St Nicolas’.

All Saints Parish Boundary Map St Nicolas Parish Boundary Map

If you are thinking of applying to Queen Eleanor’s C of E Junior School but live outside of the parish boundaries, please take into consideration the admissions criteria and with particular reference to how many children have been accepted under each section.

All parents considering Queen Eleanor’s C of E Junior School may find the Surrey County Council Find A School system of help.  It can be accessed by clicking this link


Infant Schools

Queen Eleanor’s C of E Junior School serves the parishes of All Saints Church and St. Nicolas Church. Our main feeder schools are Onslow Infants School and St. Nicolas Infants School. The majority of each September’s intake is admitted from these schools.

The websites for these two schools are included below:

Onslow Infant:
St Nicolas’:

We liaise closely with both of our feeder schools throughout the year, but particularly during the Summer Term in the lead up to the children starting at Queen Eleanor's. We have one transition day when the Year 2 children are invited to spend the day at Queen Eleanor’s. 

Upon Transfer

There are three Year 3 classes and new children entering the school each September will be allocated to one of these classes. Your child’s current infant school advises us about the groupings of children to fit our class organisation because they know the children best at this stage. We also ensure there is a balanced spread of abilities, EAL, Gender and SEN in each class to ensure the best possible education opportunities for all our children.

Secondary Schools

Most of our leavers go to Guildford County School which is located at the lower end of the Farnham Road, on the edge of Onslow Village and about a mile from Queen Eleanor’s school.

We also have some pupils leave us to go to other secondary schools in the Guildford area, such as Christ’s College, George Abbot, King’s College and St Peter’s, but this is dependent on other deciding factors, one of which is of course the pupil’s home address.

In addition we do see some pupils leave us for the independent secondary schools, such as the Royal Grammar School (known locally as RGS) for boys and Guildford High or Tormead, both for girls, while there are other good schools in the wider Surrey/south east area where our former pupils have gone on to learn.

If you would like some guidance on secondary schools the school office can offer limited help.  We would advise parents to visit the school websites or call them directly, as well as visiting the Surrey Schools website which offers very useful information.

Secondary Schools

Guildford County:

George Abbot:

Christ’s College Guildford:

Kings’s College Guildford:

St Peter’s Catholic School:

Independent Secondary Schools

Guildford High:

Royal Grammar School Guildford:
