

The objectives (Key Priorities) below are from the school development plan for the academic year 2024-2025. 

Strategic Priority 1: To develop oracy skills of the children: Learn to talk and learn through talk.

Strategic Priority 2: To continue to allow children and adults to flourish spiritually.

Strategic Priority 3: To continue to maintain high standards of writing across the school.

Strategic Priority 4:  To allow our children to become global citizens.


Below is a list of our current school policies.

Accessibility Plan 2024-2025

This policy explains how the school ensures it is providing an environment that enables all members of the community to access the curriculum and all aspects of school life.

Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2025

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

This policy states the school’s admission criteria for the academic year (2023 & 2024) and gives an overview of the appeals process.

QE 2023 Admissions Policy 

QE 2023 Church SIF

Admissions Policy 2023

This policy states the school’s admission criteria for the academic year (2023 & 2024) and gives an overview of the appeals process.

QE 2023 Admissions Policy 

QE 2023 Church SIF 

Admissions Policy 2024

This policy states the school’s admission criteria for the academic year (2024 & 2025) and gives an overview of the appeals process.

QE 2024 Admissions Policy

QE 2024 Church SIF

Admissions Policy 2025

This policy states the school’s admission criteria for the academic year (2025 & 2026) and gives an overview of the appeals process.

QE 2025 Admissions Policy

QE 2025 Church SIF


This policy gives an overview of how the school deals with issues of bullying.

Anti Bullying

Behaviour Management

This policy outlines the schools approach to behaviour management. It outlines the rewards and sanctions used consistently throughout the school. It also addresses how the school deals with peer on peer abuse.  It also includes the school’s anti-bullying policy.

Behaviour Management

DFE: Behaviour and Discipline in Schools

Use of Reasonable Force Policy

Mobile Device 

This policy is prescribed by the GST. It details the acceptable use of mobile devices at Queen Eleanor's for children, staff and visitors. 

Mobile Device Policy 2024-2027

Charging and Remissions 

This document explains the school’s policy for charging for school trips, extra activities and residential trips and for the hire of the buildings.

Charging and Remissions Policy 2022-2025

Complaints Policy and Procedures

This policy is a GST policy.  It gives a detailed description of the stages the school and parents should go through in reporting and responding to parental concerns. 

GST Complaints Policy and Procedures 

School Complaints Procedure

Collective Worship 

This policy gives an overview of the school’s policy on Collective Worship.

Collective Worship

Emergency School Closure Plan

This policy outlines the procedure/s the school will follow if it needs to close. 

Emergency School Closure Plan 


This policy explains how the school ensures equal opportunities for all pupils and staff regardless of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation and disability. Please note this is a draft policy.

Single Equalities Policy including Objectives

Suspensions and exclusions

This policy is based on the Surrey’s model policy. It gives a detailed description of how children at QE are excluded.

Suspensions and exclusion Policy

Suspension and exclusion guidance

GST Data Protection

This document describes the information which the school holds about a pupil and how that information is used.

GST Data Protection Policy 

Subject Access Request Form  

Healthy Eating

This packed lunch policy has been developed by drawing on key government guidance associated with healthy eating and the school day.

Healthy Eating Policy 

Health, Safety and Welfare 

Site Security Policy

This plan gives an overview of how the school implements its Health & safety procedures.


Health, Safety and Welfare Policy

Site Security Policy 

Home School Agreement

A contract which is signed annually by each child, parent and class teacher outlining the responsibilities of each party during the year.

Home School Agreement


This policy gives an overview of the school’s policy on homework.

Homework Policy 

Internet Safety

This policy gives an overview of how the school deals with internet safety.

Internet Safety Policy 

Responsible Internet Use

Acceptable Internet Use Agreement


This poster gives an overview of how the staff at Queen Eleanor’s mark the children’s work.

Marking Scheme Poster

Personal, Social, Health, Economics Eduction (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

This policy gives an overview of the school’s policy on Personal, Social, Health, Economic

Education and Relationship and Sexual Education.

QE PSHE Policy 

QE RSE Policy 

Privacy Notice

An overview of how we use pupil information. 

QE Privacy Notice


This policy gives an overview of how the school records and monitors pupil attendance.

Attendance Policy 

School Attendance Guidance

Religious Education 

This policy gives an overview of the school’s policy on Religious Education.

Religious Education Policy

Remote Learning Plan

This document outlines what the school will provide in case of school closure in terms of remote learning 

Remote Learning Plan

School Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

This policy states the school’s Child Protection Procedures.


Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Statement

Allegations of Abuse Against Adults Policy 

Trust's Safeguarding Page

Schools Statutory Annual Accounts

Queen Eleanor’s CofE Junior School is an academy school, being part of the Good Shepherd Trust (GST).  GST is a multi-academy trust (MAT) and is responsible for eight schools in Surrey and Hampshire. Please see the link to the GST website, which will take you to the Trust accounts for the School.

Trust Financial Reporting

Sickness Absence Policy

This policy sets out the likely steps involved in managing sickness and attendance

Sickness Absence Policy

 Special Educational Needs and Disability 

This policy gives an overview of how children with Special Educational Needs are identified and provided for within the school.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

Supporting Pupils with Special Medical Needs 

This policy gives an overview of how children with medical conditions are supported within the school. 

Supporting Pupils with Special Medical Needs

The Good Shepherd Trust Policies

Please see the link to the GST website, which will take you to the Trust Policies. 

Click here for the Good Shepherd Trust Policies

The Good Shepherd Trust's Whistle-blowing Policy

Visitors Policy and Visiting Speakers Agreement

This policy outlines the responsibilities of the school regarding visitors and visiting speakers. 

Visitors Policy and Visiting Speakers Agreement