
From now on, apart from spellings, the homework sheets will no longer be printed off for every child. The children are to complete their homework in their maths and English homework books.

Please talk to your class teacher directly if you need a printed copy. 

Please ensure that you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and record in their homework diaries as these will checked weekly by your child's class teacher.

If your child is already a proficient reader, they are expected to update their reading records themselves, however we request for you to sign their reading records weekly before handing in on Friday.

All homework will be set on Monday.

Homework wc 09.12.24

This will be the children's last homework until we come back in the new year.

This week all the spellings are all words containing the suffix fer.. The children need to practise the spellings they are set for a test on Friday 20th December 2024.

This week's English homework is reading comprehension so please read the text and answer the questions carefully. This is due in on Monday 16th December 2024.

This week's maths homework is converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. This is due in on Monday 16th December 2024.

This week's times tables is the 7 x table. Please use the attached sheet below or Times Tables Rockstars to practise. The children will be tested on Friday 13th December 2024.