Christian Distinctiveness
Our school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of religious belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all our children.
School Vision
Jesus the Good Shepherd said, ‘’I have come to give life – life in all its fullness.’’ John 10:10
Queen Eleanor’s is a church school that serves the community:
Offers a loving, welcoming and respectful environment that celebrates children and families of all faiths and none
Provides an oasis of green space that supports physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing
Values a rich and growing diversity, enabling all children to have a voice and become global citizens
Nurtures curiosity and enables children to thrive and achieve academically
We aspire to bring life in all its fullness through our pastoral care, rich curriculum and inclusive community
The key features of our Christian distinctiveness are:
Daily Collective Worship with distinctive Christian elements, which inspire and enhance the spiritual development of our children and staff, of all faiths or of none.
Regular Collective Worships led by Reverend Beverly (All Saint’s Guildford), Father Wayne and Nicola (Guildford United Reform Church) and Father Neil/Father Ali (St Nicolas Parish Church)
Observance of Christian festivals and the seasons of the church year.
Active and affirming relationships with the local Church of England churches of All Saints and Guildford Cathedral
Weekly religious education lessons.
Queen Eleanor’s C of E Junior School is an inclusive school. Children are enabled to deepen their understanding of God as encountered and taught by Christians. They are also taught about other faiths and world views. We aim to foster an accurate and increasing understanding of world religions, and we visit a local mosque, synagogue as well as our local church and Cathedral.
All Saint’s Guildford
Queen Eleanor’s has strong links with All Saint’s Church, Guildford. Key events in the school calendar include, Harvest Festival, Easter Service and Prayer Spaces week. Reverend Beverly attends Queen Eleanor's to lead Collective Worship throughout the year.
St Nicolas Parish Church
Father Neil and Father Ali attend Queen Eleanor’s to lead Collective Worship.
Guildford United Reformed Church
Reverend Wayne Hawkins and Nicola, the youth engagement lead, attend Queen Eleanor's to lead Collective Worship.
Guildford Cathedral
We are fortunate that at Queen Eleanor’s we have Guildford Cathedral on our doorstep. Children visit the Cathedral as part of their Religious Education lessons, for workshops throughout the year, for our Christmas Carol Service and for 'Cathedral coffee mornings' which host local musicians for the children to enjoy. Our Year 6s also attend the Guildford Diocese Leavers’ Service.
To improve the children’s understanding of community involvement, the school raises money for various charities throughout the year including Red Nose Day, Children in Need, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, Macmillan Cancer Support, Alice’s Arc and Surrey Young Carers.
Mental health and wellbeing of children and staff
At Queen Eleanor’s we are aware of the need to look after the mental health and wellbeing of our children and staff and make this a priority. Our Home School Link Worker, works with children and families building close relationships and offering support as needed. She is a trained Mental Health First Aider and in this role supports staff.
We have many initiatives set up to focus on this area:
Wellbeing project led by PSHE lead and HSLW.
Wellbeing and mental health addressed in PSHE lessons and collective worship.
Wellbeing board created in communal area and corridor.
Wellbeing ambassador nominated in each class.
Worry box created for every classroom.
Weekly opportunity for Wellbeing Ambassador to through worry box with the HSLW.
Wellbeing Wednesday where children are given ideas on how to improve their own and others wellbeing.
Quiet area at break times where children who struggle with the playground can go.
A lunchtime club for those who struggle with extended periods of interaction with others.
The courtyard is a quiet area for those children who prefer a calmer environment or who wish to take some quiet reflection time.
Staff shout out board in the staff room to acknowledge kind deeds and celebrate staff.
Wellbeing INSET day arranged for staff.
RE Policy 2024-25 PSHE policy 2024 - 2025 Collective Worship Policy