Parent Information

At Queen Eleanor's we believe that our pupils benefit most from their educational experience and care here when we work in partnership with parents.  Children have two main educators in their lives, their parents and their teachers.  Both have crucial roles to play and the impact of learning is greater if we work together with shared aims.  We want to make our school a welcoming place for parents with an ethos based on mutual trust and respect.

Throughout the year, there are many opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s learning, to find out about their progress and to discuss any relevant issues with teachers.

Class Information

We send home a curriculum map at the start of each year where the details of curriculum topics, trips, timetables etc. for that year group this includes expectations for home learning.

Curriculum Workshops

We hold a mathematics and reading & writing workshop once a year to ensure parents are able to support learning at home with the most up to date and effective methods and techniques.

Parents Evening

We hold parent consultation evenings during the Autumn and Spring Terms, for individual discussion about progress with the class teacher.

Book Look

Once a term parents have the opportunity to visit the classroom where they have the chance to view their child's work and find out about their learning in the classroom.  

Curriculum Showcase

Throughout the year parents are invited in to the school to experience a part of their child’s learning. This happens in a variety of different ways, for example, class assemblies are held once a year.

Summer Term Written Report

During the Summer Term parents receive a written record of their child’s overall progress and they then have the option of a further meeting with the class teacher.

We welcome parents to help out in school in a variety of ways, including:

  • Reading Champions

  • Classroom Volunteers

  • Helping on Trips

Any parents who wish to come in and help are welcomed once they have completed the process required for volunteers; more information about this is available from the school office.

Should a parent have a specific issue or concern, they may of course book an appointment to see the teacher at any time of the year.

We have a number of different events this term and our website is packed with really useful information so please take some time to look at the things we do.

If you require a paper copy of any information provided on the website, please contact the school office who will provide this for you.