Year 4

Year 4 resources for families

Meet the teacher 2024

Class change up presentation 14.05.24

Class Timetables




Curriculum Maps

To access the Curriculum Maps, please click the link below.

Year 4 Curriculum Map spring 2025

Reading Ramble

To access the spring term Reading Ramble, please click the link below.

Year 4 Reading Ramble spring 2025

Mathematics - Calculation policy

Calculation Policy

About Year 4

Year 4 is an exciting year for our children at Queen Eleanor’s, having had the opportunity to settle in, make friends and get to know their surroundings in Year 3. Year 4 offer some engaging topics as well as their first residential trip in the spring term!

In the autumn term, we start with the geography topic of settlements. This explores why early settlers choose certain sites, how settlements were named and different land use. In the second half of the term, we will change to the history topic of The Ancient Mayans. We will explore the rise and fall of this ancient civilisation, its culture and belief system. We will take part in an exciting workshop to help bring it to life.

The spring term starts with the geography topic All Around the World. We will explore our planet from north to south and east to west, using digital mapping skills. We then move onto a study of The Victorians which includes the Year 4 residential trip to Ironbridge in Shropshire. Here the children get the opportunity to experience life in the past by visiting many of the Ironbridge museums. The children are taught to compare the life of a Victorian child to that of their own, as well as learning about the many important developments of this time.

In the Summer Term, we will be exploring our own town for our local geography topic. We will try to find out why people choose to live here through conducting fieldwork and presenting our data in a variety of ways, as well as improving our mapping skills. Our final topic is science-based. We will also be visiting Nower Wood educational nature reserve and exploring habitats. 

In English, we cover a broad range of purposes for writing such as explanations, news reports, persuasive texts, descriptions and non-chronological reports. Each unit of writing builds up to the children producing their ‘hot task’ which is based on the structure of a model text. In order for the children to produce their best writing, they learn through speaking and listening activities to enhance their vocabulary. The children are then given chances to edit and improve their own work before publishing it for display.

In maths, we follow the National Curriculum where we study the following units: number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, geometry and measurement. Each unit covers a wide range of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks. In Year 4, we encourage the use of visual, concrete resources to support the children’s learning.

The Year 4 Team

Presentation to children 2023 UPDATED