SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs Naomi Strickland.

Queen Eleanor’s C of E Junior School is a mainstream, inclusive school that fully complies with the requirements outlined in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014).

Staff have been trained to teach learners who may have difficulties with:

  • Cognition and Learning

  • Communication and Interaction

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

As an Academy in The Good Shepherd Trust, the Trust is the Admission Authority for the school and has agreed a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 90 children at the age of 7+ with the Local Authority (LA). Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school will be admitted.

All children’s levels of progress are assessed continuously, enabling teachers to identify children who may have Special Educational needs (SEND). All children have access to all areas of our broad curriculum and all class teachers differentiate work to provide the most appropriate programme of study for each child. When we are concerned that a child is not making expected progress, we liaise with families and may call upon the services of outside agencies that can assess children and suggest learning strategies or a specific learning programme. 

All children in the school are offered our Wave 1 provision, which is set out in more detail in our schools Curriculum Intent for Children with SEND needs. Children who need more support will be identified for our wave 2 or 3 provision.


Please contact Mrs Naomi Strickland (SENCO) via email: if you require any further information. 



The School’s SEND Information Report and Special Educational Needs Policy

The school’s SEN Information Report for SEND can be accessed by clicking below:
Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School SEND Information Report 2023-2024

Please also see an Addendum to the SEND Information Report (Updated January 2021) in response to school closures due to the COVID-19. Which can be accessed below: Addendum to the SEND Information Report (January 2021)

The school’s Special Educational Needs Policy can be accessed by clicking below:
Special Educational Needs Policy 2023-2024

Curriculum Intent for children with Special Educational Needs 

Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School have ambitious expectations for all children, including children with Special Educational Needs. 

Please see a document below, which outlines our Curriculum intent for Children with Special Educational needs:
Queen Eleanor’s C of E Junior School - Curriculum Intent for Children with Special Educational Needs

Surrey Local Offer

The Surrey’s Local Offer - the online hub for 0-25 year old's with special educational needs or a disability can be accessed via the link below:

Support for children with Special Education Needs (SEND) during periods of self-isolation

Please see resources and information below for supporting children with Special Educational Needs during periods of self-isolation. The document below includes links to websites for children and families to support their children whilst they learn from home. 

Support and activities for Children with Special educational needs (SEND) during school closures

Cognition and Learning support for children with Special Educational Needs (SEND)

Please see below additional resources for children with Special Educational needs (SEND):

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Why am I not at school? - a social story

Parent leaflet to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Speech and Language

Supporting understanding of language 

Taking Turns 

Conversation game-board


Two word level instructions - game

Three word level instructions - game 

Five word level instructions - game


Improving Working Memory - games 

Improving Working Memory - remember the sentence 

Games to encourage your child's memory and concentration

Card Games to Practise Maths Facts