Wrap Around Care

QE Meadows

At the QE Meadows Before and After School Club we aim to offer a caring and nurturing environment in which the children can have fun and unwind before or after a busy day in the classroom. As an organisation we recognise that working parents need a quality facility in a caring environment. Our additional care builds on the high quality education that takes place in normal school hours.

Both care facilities are managed and operated by our own staff. This enables us to individualise the care and personalise the experiences the children will have.

The QE Meadows is open to our QE School.

At the QE Meadows Breakfast Club we provide breakfast as the pupils arrive and aim to offer a quiet setting where the children can play board games, play with friends, toys or read. When the weather allows, they can also play outside.

At the QE Meadows after school Club we provide toast, crackers, fruits and milk. The after school club offers an environment in which the children can wind down from the school day with friends, offering planned activities, art and construction, cooking, outdoor play, games and puzzles. The club staff take responsibility for planning and organising activities.


To book for The QE Meadows Wrap Around Care:

  1. Complete the agreement form (found below).

  2. Payment and booking will be via Scopay. Sign onto the Scopay and book sessions for yourself!

  3. If paying via childcare vouchers, please pay via your childcare provider (allowing atleast 2/3 days for the funds to clear) and fill in the Childcare Voucher form. Once we receive the form, we will check the funds has been received and upload your Scopay account with the funds. We will notify you once we have uploaded the funds into your Scopay account and you will then be able to book your session on Sacopay. 

All bookings must be booked 24hours in advance.


The QE Meadows Breakfast Club:

7.30am – 8.30am: £6

The QE Meadows After School Club:

Session1: 3.15pm – 4.15pm: £6
Session 2: 4.15pm – 6pm: £10
Session 3: 3.15pm – 6pm: £14

Session 2 is to coincide with any internally run after school club or any external clubs held at QE School that finish at 4.15pm

Childcare Vouchers:

We accept childcare vouchers and have already signed up with several Childcare Voucher Providers. If you would like to pay (or part pay) via Childcare Vouchers please fill in Childcare Voucher form

Questions, Queries and Problems:

If you have any queries regarding The Wrap Around Care please email: wac@queen-eleanors.surrey.sch.uk Or call us on 01483 651323

All bookings must be booked 24hours in advance.